Ecommerce Admin Dashboard

Ecommerce Admin DashboardEcommerce Admin Dashboard

Project Description

A dummy E-commerce dashboard for a shopping website. It contains features like Products and Order summary which can help you keep track of products and also with the insight of orders placed by customers.


Next.jsMaterial Design





Design Process

Ecommerce Admin Dashboard
Ecommerce Admin Dashboard

This project was built with NextJs and designed with google's Material UI. It includes libraries such as Recharts library for charts, Framer motion filter animations, and Sass for styling.


Styling MUI components has never been easy because MUI's components have been pre-styled, and that doesn't give enough flexibility with personal styles. This was a major setback as I couldn't style some of the components and had to leave them as they were.

Future Improvements

The project is a single-page dummy project with little functionalities. I look forward to adding more functionalities to make it a full-blown one